Formatting numbers

PagePlus tbr contexttext spreadsheetfunctions Formatting numbers The Table toolbar includes additional buttons, switched on with the Spreadsheet functions button, that let you vary how numbers are displayed. Number formats let you add commas and currency signs to numbers, express numbers as percents, control how many decimal places are displayed, etc. Number formats do not alter numbers internally—only the way numbers are displayed.

  • Click the PagePlus tbr table removeformatting Formatting numbers Remove Formatting button to remove any formatting.

  • Click the PagePlus tbr table currency Formatting numbers Currency button to apply the currency format and symbol for your locale as suggested by Windows.

  • Click the PagePlus tbr table percent Formatting numbers Percent button to convert a number to a percentage (multiply by 100 and append a percent sign).

  • Click the PagePlus tbr table comma Formatting numbers Comma button to separate thousands by a comma and remove decimal places.

  • Click the PagePlus tbr table increasedecimal Formatting numbers Increase Decimal or PagePlus tbr table decreasedecimal Formatting numbers Decrease Decimal button to extend or reduce the number of decimal places shown.

For additional number formatting options:

  • Click PagePlus tbr table customformat Formatting numbers Custom Format on the Table toolbar.

The Custom Formatting dialog appears. Here you can select from any of the listed formats, construct custom formats (with color for negative values, if you wish), and customize the list. The built-in list includes two currency symbol characters (one positive, one negative) for your locale, as supplied by Windows.

To apply a format to the current cell:

  1. Select it in the list. The Sample box provides a preview of positive and negative values using the format.

  1. Click OK.

To specify a custom format:

  1. Type it into the box below the list, using any of the following symbols. (As you type, the list automatically scrolls and highlights any matching entries.)



Display a digit if the number has one. If there are more digits in the number than #’s specified, then the extra digits left of the decimal place separator will be displayed.


Always displays a digit. If a number does not have a digit in this position then a zero (0) is displayed. If there are more digits in the number than 0′s specified, then the extra digits left of the decimal place separator will be displayed.


Display a negative symbol if the number is negative. No symbol is displayed if the number is positive.


Display a positive symbol if the number is positive, or a negative symbol if the number is negative.


Display the formatted number in parentheses if the number is negative.


Display a negative number in the specified color, e.g. Red.
You can type any of these color names: None, Black, White, Gray, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Cyan, Magenta, Burgundy, Dark Green, Mustard, Dark Blue, Purple, Sea Green
– or -
You can enter color values using one of these formats: RGB(xxx,yyy,zzz), CMYK(www,xxx,yyy,zzz), or HSL(xxx,yyy,zzz)


Decimal separator


Display numbers as percentages, e.g. 0.4 as 40% or 1.25 as 125%


Display decimal places as fractions, e.g. 0.4 as 2/5


Display no decimal places, e.g. 0.4 as 0. Same as entering 0.# (or having no format at all).


Display one decimal place, e.g. 0.4 as 0.4


Displays two decimal places, e.g. 0.4 as 0.40


Automatically calculate the number of decimal places to be displayed, e.g. 0.4 as 0.4


Display number as an exponential (or scientific format), e.g. 0.4 as 4e-01. You can use the “0″ character to specify the number of decimal places shown be
fore or after the exponent, e.g. the value 123.456789 formatted as “+0.00 e+000″ becomes “+1.23 e+002″; formatted as “+0.0000 e+00″ it becomes “+1.2346 e+02″.

  1. PagePlus is not strict about the order in which the format codes are specified, and tries to interpret whatever you type.

  1. To apply the custom format to the current cell (and save it in the list), click OK.

To delete a custom format:

  • Select it and click the Delete button.

Formatting numbers