Understanding master pages
Master pages provide a flexible way to store background elements that you’d like to appear on more than one page—for example a logo, background, header/footer, or border design.
A – Page, B – Master Page
The key concept here is that a particular master page is typically shared by multiple pages, as illustrated below. By placing a design element on a master page and then assigning several pages to use that master page, you ensure that all the pages incorporate that element. Of course, each individual page can have its own “foreground” elements.
Master pages are available in every publication, but in a simple publication you may not need to use any master pages—or you may need only one master page. Facing pages and multiple master pages prove valuable with longer, more complex publications.
If you’re starting with a design template you may encounter one or more master pages incorporated with the design.
Using the Pages tab or Page Manager, you can quickly add or delete master pages; for example, you could set up different master pages for “title” or “chapter divider” pages.
Assigning master pages
If you’re only using one master page it is assigned to any newly created page by default. However, if you’re using multiple master pages you can assign a different master page to a standard page, all, odd or even pages. It’s even possible to assign multiple master pages per page.
You’ll need to create an additional master page first. See Adding, removing, and rearranging pages.
To assign a master page:
To assign a master page to odd, even, or all pages:
In the Pages tab, right-click the master page and choose an option from the Apply to submenu.
To disconnect a previously assigned master page(s):
In the Pages tab, right-click in the Pages window and select Remove Master Pages.
Assigning multiple master pages
Just like a regular page, the master page can have its own set of layers associated with it, completely unique from the regular page! From the Layers tab, you’ll see a master layer (e.g., Master Layer 1 [A]) as a separate entry. You can insert master layers from other master pages to assign additional master pages to your page.
For an introduction to the concept of layers, see Working with layers.
An additional master page needs to be created first. See Adding, removing, and rearranging pages.
To assign multiple master pages to a page:
On the Layers tab, select
Add Master Layer.
– or -
Right-click in the tab and select Add Master layer…. -
From the dialog’s drop-down menu, select the additional master page to be assigned.
(Optional) Enter a different name for your layer.
You can also modify layer properties as for standard layers.
Click OK.
For some designs, you can move the new master page’s Master Layer to the top of the stack—its objects will be shown in front of all other objects.
To jump to a master page from the standard page:
Double-click on a Master Layer entry in the Layers tab.
– or -
Right-click a master layer and choose Go To Master Page.
The master page assigned to the master layer is displayed.
An easy method for navigating from the selected master page to a last visited page is the Return to feature.
To jump to a page from a master page:
Select the master page in the Pages tab.
In the Layers tab, right-click any layer and choose Return to ‘x of y‘, where x is the last visited page and y is the total number of pages. The last visited page is displayed.
Facing pages and dual master pages
If you’re using multi-page regular/booklet publications, you can assign different master pages to the left and right publication pages (also called spreads) if necessary—master pages are assigned per page and not per spread. For example (see below), a left-hand “body text” page might use the left-side component of one master page (A), while a right-hand page could use the right side of a different master page (B).
Editing master
page objects
If you’re editing pages which use master pages, master page objects will contribute to your page design. These objects can be edited quickly and easily from the page by using a control bar under the selected object.
To edit the master page object:
On your standard page, select the master page object, to reveal the control bar.
Edit on Master Page. The master page is displayed for editing.
On occasion, you may want to make a master page object on your page independent from its master page. These objects can become editable by being promoted from the master page to the standard page, with the original master page object being replaced by a freely editable copy.
To promote a master page object:
On your standard page, select the master page object, to reveal the control bar under the object.
Promote from Master Page. This makes a copy of the original object, which can then be edited independently without affecting the master page.
All other pages using the master page will remain unaffected.
Detaching a specific text frame will also detach any linked text frame associated with it. If the frames are on separate pages then all linked frames are placed on the same the target page.
If you change your mind at any point you can reattach the object to the master page, leaving your page as it was originally.
To reattach object:
On your standard page, select the promoted object, to reveal the control bar under the object.
Revert to Master Page.