Selecting multiple objects
Selecting more than one object at a time (creating a multiple selection) lets you:
Position or resize all the objects at the same time.
Create a group object from the multiple selection, which can then be treated as a single object, with the option of restoring the individual objects later. See Creating groups.
To create a multiple selection:
Drag a “marquee” box around the objects you want to select.
Alternatively, either hold down the Shift key and click each object in turn, or use the Lasso Tool to draw around objects to select them.
To add or remove an object from a multiple selection:
Hold down the Shift key and click the object to be added or removed.
To deselect all objects in a multiple selection:
Click in a blank area of the page.
To select all objects on the page (or master page):
Choose Select>Select All from the Edit menu (or press Ctrl+A).
To select all objects of one type on the page (or master page):
Hold down the Ctrl key and double-click one object of that type.
– or - -
Select one object then choose Select>Select Similar on the Edit menu.
To select all objects on a layer:
Display the Layers tab, choose the layer name and right-click to Select Objects.