Adding anchors to objects
Anchors can be added to objects to allow hyperlinks and cross-references to link directly to a specific location rather than to the whole page. This is especially useful if you’re referring to a page object such as an image or table, or to selected artistic or frame text.
Named anchors can optionally be included as PDF bookmarks. The anchor’s name is added automatically to the PDF bookmark list as a new bookmark title; after generating your PDF, the bookmark can be clicked to navigate to that anchor location.
To add an anchor:
Select the object or portion of text.
Select Anchor… from the Insert menu.
– or - -
Right-click an object and select Insert Anchor….
From the dialog, enter a name for the anchor.
(Optional) Check Include in PDF Bookmarks if you want to create a PDF file which will show a bookmark which directs to the anchor’s location. If checked, enter the Bookmark title that will show in the generated PDF.
Click OK.
Once created, you can insert hyperlinks, cross-references, and PDF bookmarks, directly linked to the new anchor.
To delete an anchor:
Select the object which has an anchor that you wish to remove.
Click Anchor… from the Insert menu (or Insert Anchor… from the right-click menu).
In the dialog, click Delete.
From the next dialog, you can either leave or delete all bookmarks or hyperlinks to the anchor independently of each other. Click Yes or No as appropriate.
Anchoring objects to text
If you’re working with text frames you’ll probably want to add supporting shapes, pictures, tables, or even nested text frames within your publication’s text (artistic or frame text). Such objects can be positioned either in relation to a position in your text (or other page element) or be simply placed inline in your text. In either instance, objects can then move with the text as you add further text content.
In PagePlus, this positioning is controlled by anchoring an object using different positioning options.
Float with text. The object is positioned horizontally and vertically relative to an
anchor point. This option is ideal for pictures, pulled quotes, etc.
(A) Anchor point,
(B) Anchored object,
(C) Anchor propertiesPasted text causes reflow
Position inline as character. The anchored object is placed as a character in the text and aligned in relation to the text that surrounds it. The anchored object flows with the text as before.
Detach from text. The anchored object is disconnected from its anchor point, leaving a normal unanchored object.
PagePlus objects can be anchored to anywhere in your publication text, but the floated object can be positioned in relation to indented text, column, frame, page margin guides, the page itself, or most typically the anchor point in a text frame.
For text frames, when the text reflows, the anchor point (and therefore anchored object) reflows with the text. This allows supporting anchored objects to always stay with supporting text as more text is added to the frame.
To create an anchored object:
Position your unanchored object on the page. You can’t anchor to object on the pasteboard.
Select Anchor Object… from the Arrange menu.
– or - -
Right-click the anchored object and choose Arrange>Anchor Object….
From the dialog, choose a positioning option:
Either, for a floating object:
Enable Float with text. This is the default positioning option.
Specify a Horizontal (e.g., Inside, Left-Aligned) and/or Vertical position (e.g., Inside, Top) in relation to different page elements, e.g. character (anchor point), frame, column, etc.
(Optional) Set an Offset X by or Offset Y by to further offset the object horizontally or vertically from the Horizontal and Vertical position in absolute units (centimeters or inches). Alternatively, check Relative to offset by a percentage of the object size. Check Mirror facing pages if you’re using facing pages and you want the object to automatically mirror its position in relation to anchoring text moved onto a new page.
Check Keep within bounds to stop the anchored object from being placed outside of the text frame. The object will move but only to the frame edge or page margin guides. When unchecked there is no restriction on object placement.
(Optional) For control of possible object overlap, select an option from the If objects overlaps drop-down list.
Allow the overlap. The overlap is left as is.
Pack into lines means the second object will be placed beside the first object if there is room, or below it if not.
Line up l
eft to right/Line up right to left means the second object will be placed to the right or the left of the first object, respectively. -
Stack top to bottom/Stack bottom to top means the second object will be placed below or above the first object, respectively.
Click OK. The
Anchor point appears and your object is now an anchored (showing an
Or, for an inline object:
Enable Position inline as character.
To set the object’s vertical alignment with respect to adjacent text, select an Align with text option. Text will not flow around the anchored object.
(Optional) Enter a Offset Y by value to set the percentage to which the object will be vertically offset in relation to its height.
(Optional) Check Scale to to scale the object to a percentage of the adjacent text point size. This keeps the same relative size if the text size changes. 100% will scale precisely to current point size.
(Optional) Check Use these settings when pasting to update floating and inline anchor defaults. Any subsequent object pasting will adopt the anchor settings saved when the option was checked.
Click OK. The object appears inline with text, and shows an
Anchor Properties icon.
Objects inserted into text frames will automatically be anchored using “Float with text” default settings. However, the anchored object can be dragged away from the anchor point as an alternative method for creating an anchored object.
To view anchor properties:
Select an anchored object.
Anchor Properties shown under the object.
– or -Select
Anchor Object… from the Arrange menu.
- or -
Right-click the anchored object and choose Arrange>Anchor Object….
The Anchored Object Properties dialog is displayed. The options differ depending on which of the three positioning options is enabled.
If you’d like to change the position of an anchor point you can drag it anywhere else in your text frame. Dragging to an area of no text will disconnect your anchored object. You can also disconnect the anchor point via Anchor Properties dialog.
To disconnect an anchored object:
Enable Detach from text.
The Anchor Properties button and anchor point both disappear.
Anchored object have all the same properties of unanchored objects; you can modify them whilst anchored.
Frame text can wrap around floating anchored objects, as described in Wrapping text. Inline anchored objects do not allow text wrapping.
WritePlus will display only inline anchored objects (shown with the
symbol), editable via Format>Anchor Object…. Floating anchored objects are not displayed. Additionally, you cannot detach anchored objects in WritePlus.