Using the context toolbar
The context toolbar brings commonly used options to hand. If you’re performing an operation on a particular type of object, e.g. a picture, text, frame, curve, etc., it’s really time-saving and less cumbersome to use the Context toolbar as a shortcut instead of navigating through menus. The context toolbar does this well and, as its name suggests, the options or tools shown will be specific to the currently selected object. As an example, only photo-related options show on the Picture context toolbar for any selected picture, i.e.
Simply deselect the picture and the context toolbar will change to the Page context toolbar by default, or if a different object is selected, to the Context toolbar for that object (e.g., Text context toolbar for a text object).
A whole variety of context toolbars may be displayed. The main ones include the Pages, Picture (see above), Text, Frame, Curve and Warp context toolbars; each provide support for the “in-context” currently selected object.
Pages context toolbar
Page Setup Displays a dialog for modifying the publication dimensions and format.
Page Size Set the publication’s page size from the drop-down list.
Publication Orientation Set the whole publication’s page orientation to be landscape or portrait. Affects all pages.
Page Orientation Set the currently selected page’s orientation, either as landscape or portrait.
Page Manager Click to display the Page Manager or Master Page Manager, which provides multiple options for inserting and deleting pages or master pages, assigning master pages to pages, and navigating to a page.
Layout Guides Displays a dialog that lets you change the page margin, row/column, and bleed guide settings.
Set User Details Displays a dialog that lets you review and change User Details (such as name, address, etc.) you’ve entered when you first use a design template previously.
PagePlus Options Displays a dialog that lets you customize a wide range of PagePlus settings, including layout choices, ease-of-use features, etc.
Picture context toolbar
PhotoLab Click to launch a studio environment for applying adjustments and effects individually or in combination. See Applying PhotoLab filters.
Image Cutout Studio Click to launch a Studio environment where objects can be cutout from their background. See the topic Using Image Cutout Studio.
Edit in PhotoPlus For more advanced photo editing, click to launch and edit the selected photo in Serif PhotoPlus (10 or later) with changes applied within PagePlus automatically on PhotoPlus save and exit. Serif PhotoPlus Picture (*.spp) files can also be edited in the same manner.
Replace Picture Click to open a dialog that lets you select a replacement for the selected picture. Tip: You can also choose Picture>Replace Picture… from the Format menu, or right-click the image and choose Replace Picture….
Resource Manager Click to display the currently selected picture’s attributes (type, size, resolution, and native/placed dimensions) in the Resource Manager. Tip: You can also select the picture and choose Picture>Resource Manager… from the Format menu (or via right-click).
Resize Picture Click to display the Picture Size & Resolution dialog.
In the Placed Image section, you can set a specific Width and/or Height, or rescale the image as a percentage of its original size, using your choice of measurement units. Click the Aspect Ratio button to adjust the two dimensions in proportion, or independently.
In the Resolution section, drag the slider to adjust the horizontal and vertical resolution in pixels per inch, or enter specific values. You can also click the Web or Print buttons to define standard resolution values for these media (96 ppi and 300 ppi, respectively). · If Allow resampling remains checked, the image will stay the same size and be resampled to the specific Width and Height you’ve entered. You can select from various resampling methods (Bicubic, Bilinear, Lanczos3, or Nearest). · If Allow resampling is unchecked, the upper Placed Image values change also, and the image is resized accordingly on the page.
The “Placed Image” refers to an embedded copy of a given image. If the picture is linked and you resize it, this doesn’t actually affect the source file but embeds the image.
You can also right-click the image and choose Properties>Size and Resolution….
Re-color picture Select to replace color information in the image with shades of a single hue, and/or adjust its overall lightness. Select a hue by clicking a sample in the color gallery. To restore the original coloration, click the button. To alter image lightness, select a shade or tint in the Shade/Tint drop-down menu or select a percentage value in the list. (Select original to reset lightness values.)The swatch at the lower left shows the combined effect of the Hue and Shade/Tint adjustments
Transparent Color Choose the tool, then left-click on the image and drag to magnify pixels under the cursor. Release the mouse button to mark the specific color under the cursor as transparent. Note: Before clicking, you can press Esc to cancel the tool.
Red Eye Click to enable the Red Eye Tool. Use the cross-hair cursor to drag a marquee around the eye and then release. See the topic Red eye adjustment.
Decrease/Increase Contrast Click to narrow or expand the tonal range by one increment at a time. See also Auto Contrast, Brightness and Contrast or Shadows and highlights as adjustment filters to fine-tune picture contrast.
Decrease/Increase Brightness Click to make the image darker or lighter by one increment at a time.
Auto Level Auto Level assigns a new “top” and “bottom” to the tonal range, making the darkest image pixel black and the lightest one white, and spreading out the in-between pixels over a wide tonal range.
Auto Contrast The Auto Contrast feature adjusts image contrast, i.e. the spread between lightest and darkest values across the full tonal range. This can be used to fix poorly scanned/developed photos.
Frame Properties Click to display a dialog showing picture positioning and alignment options for the selected picture frame. Tip: You can also choose Picture>Frame Properties… from the Format menu, or right-click the picture frame and choose Properties>Frame Properties….
Position Image When enabled, the picture can be panned, rotated, and resized within its picture frame. Click again to lock the picture’s position in the frame.
Frame context toolbar
Sort Sorts the currently selected list alphabetically and numerically.
WritePlus Click to launch the current story or artistic text in WritePlus.
Previous Frame Jumps to the previous frame in a linked frame sequence.
Next Frame Jumps to the next frame in a linked frame sequence.
Displays a Text Sizing flyout for controlling how frame text scales through the text frame.
Fit Text Click to scale the story’s text size so it fits exactly into the available frame(s); further text added to the frame will cause text overflow. (See the topic Fitting text to frames.) Tip: You can also press Ctrl+Alt+X.
Enlarge Text Click to increase the story’s text size one increment.
Shrink Text Click to reduce the story’s text size one increment.
The Autofit Options flyout offers three autofit modes which continuously act upon a selected frame’s story text.
No Autofit This is the normal mode of operation where, if selected, text won’t automatically scale throughout the selected text frame, possibly leaving partly empty frames at the end of the frame sequence.
Shrink Text on Overflow If selected, extra text added to a selected frame will shrink all frame text to avoid text overflow.
Autofit If selected, the frame will always scale text automatically by adjusting text size (compare to Fit Text which fits text once, with any additional text causing text overflow).
Frame Setup… Click to display a dialog for editing the current frame margins and columns.
Columns Sets the number of columns (e.g., 2) for the text frame.
Text context toolbar
Styles Displays the named style of text at the cursor position: either a character style (if one is applied locally) or the paragraph style. To apply a named style, click in the text, then select the style name in the drop-down list. To define a style based on the selected text’s properties, type a style name into the box and press Enter. (See the topic Using text styles.)
Font Displays the font of text at the cursor position. To change the font of selected text, click a new font name in the drop-down list. (See the topic Setting text properties.)
Point Size Displays the point size of text at the cursor position. To change the size of selected text, click a new point size in the drop-down list, or type in a value and press Enter.
Bold and Italic Click buttons to apply bold and/or italic font styles to the applied text at the cursor position.
Other Attributes flyout Click the down arrow to display a selection of additional attributes (underline, various caps, subscript/superscript, ligatures and fractions) that can be applied. Multiple attributes can be enabled at the same time by clicking.
OpenType flyout Click the down arrow to display a selection of OpenType font features that can be applied to the currently selected OpenType font. Multiple attributes can be enabled at the same time.
Alignment buttons The “down” button indicates the paragraph alignment of text at the cursor position (Left, Centerd, Right, or Justified). To change the alignment of selected text, click a different button.
Bulleted List Applies a simple bulleted list style to your text. (See the topic Creating a bulleted or numbered list.)
Numbered List Applies a simple numbered list style to your text. (See the topic Creating a bulleted or numbered list.)
Decrease Level Moves current paragraph down one level.
Increase Level Moves current paragraph up one level.
WritePlus Click to launch the current story or artistic text in WritePlus.
Enlarge Story Text Click to increase artistic text size one increment. Double-click for a bigger increase.
Shrink Story Text Click to reduce the artistic text size one increment. Double-click for a greater reduction.
Edit Fill Click to display a dialog combining various fill properties, including shading and colors for solid and gradient fills. Bitmap fills can also be applied from various categories.
Line/Border Click to display a dialog to control various line properties around the text.
Edit Tansparency Click to display a dialog which lets you apply/edit solid, gradient (Linear, Ellipse, or Conical) or bitmap transparencies (natural textures).
Path Text flyout Click to display a flyout of preset path shapes dialog which lets you create text on a path from your selected artistic text.
Curve context toolbar
Add Node Adds a new node halfway along a line segment. Select the leading node of the segment (the node nearer the start of the line), then click this button. You can also double-click a line segment with the Pointer Tool to add a node at that point.
Delete Node Click to delete the selected node(s). The node will be deleted, along with any associated attractor nodes, and the line or shape will jump to its new shape. You can also press the Delete key.
Close Curve Turns a curved line into a closed shape. Select the line, then click this button to connect the line’s two end nodes.
Break Curve Breaks open a curve (creating two lines) or a closed shape (creating a curved line). Select the node where you want the break to occur, then click this button.
Straighten Line Turns a curved line segment into a straight line segment. Select the leading node of the segment (the node nearer the start of the line), then click this button. To make a straight segment curved, use the Sharp, Smooth, Symmetric, or Smart Corner buttons.
t/uploads/sub/pageplus/en/source/graphics/tbr_contextcurve_sharp.png" style="width:22px;height:22px" width="22" height="22" border="0" class="hcp6">
Sharp Corner Click to change a selected node so the segments on either side are completely independent, and the corner can be pointed.
Smooth Corner Click to change a selected node so the slope of the segments on either side is the same, but the depth of the two joined segments can be different.
Symmetric Corner Click to change a selected node so the segments on either side have equal slopes and equal depth. Note: Normally, Bézier segments you draw with the Pen Tool end in a symmetric corner. You can press C while drawing such a segment to define a “cusp” or sharp corner instead.
Smart Corner Click to change a selected node to automatically determine slope and depth for a rounded, best-fitting curve. Note: If you attempt to adjust a smart corner’s handles, it reverts to a symmetric corner. You can always reset the node to smart-but to maintain smart nodes, be careful what you click on!
Straighten All Lines Changes all segments in the selected object to straight lines.
Fit Curves Optimizes the editability of the selected shape by changing most segments to curved lines and eliminating extra nodes.
Reverse Curves Click to switch the ordering of nodes, so that the start of the curve becomes its end (without changing the shape of the curve). This is particularly useful with text on a path. For example, if you had text running around the inside of a circular line (or donut converted to curves), clicking Reverse Curves would flip the text to the outside of the curve.
Line Styles Accesses the Line and Border dialog to change line styles and other line properties.
Line Width Enter a point value (then press Enter) to change the weight (thickness) of the selected line.
Line start Displays the style of the start point of the selected line. To change, click a different example in the drop-down list.
Line Style Displays the style of the selected line (solid, calligraphic, dotted, dashed, double). To change the style, click a different example in the drop-down list.
Line end Displays the style of the end point of the selected line. To change, click a different example in the drop-down list.
End Scale Enter a percentage scaling allowing line ends to be scaled differently to the current line width.
Mesh Warp context toolbar
oads/sub/pageplus/en/source/graphics/tbr_contextmesh_disablewarp.png" style="width:24px;height:24px" width="24" height="24" border="0">
Disable Warp Click to disable the warp effect on a selected object. This can be used to temporarily switch off the mesh warp—you can click the Warp Tool again to enable the effect again.
Preset Warps Click the down arrow to replace your currently applied mesh warp with a preset hosted on the flyout menu.
See Curve context toolbar.
Hide/Show Mesh Click to hide the mesh for a better preview of the object. Click again to reveal the mesh for editing.
Hide/Show Grid Click to hide/show the mesh grid, used to aid the alignment of nodes and segments. Click again to reveal the mesh for editing.
Reset Mesh Click to reset the mesh to full-frame and rectangular. Alternatively, use Undo to remove all warping and reset the mesh to its original state.
Warp Fills Click to extend the warp effect to the object’s fill.
Convert to Curves Click to convert the envelope to curves.
Create Object Style Click to save a custom envelope as an object style. From the dialog, check the style attributes you want to retain, and name the style to be saved in the chosen Styles tab’s category (use Browse… button to choose category).
Using the context toolbar